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The Hystories Formed Dumai City

Recorded in history that Dumai was a small village in the east coast of Riau province and then present started to writhe become the pearl of east coast of sumatera. Formed on April 29, 1999 which Dumai was a administrative town. Nowadays, Dumai has blossomed out the Bengkalis regency. However, today of the small village to improve up that Dumai has been changed become industry and services city. According the laws No.16 years of 1999 that Dumai has been shown to luster it.
Dumai city is position it between 10 23-1024-23 east longitude and 1010 23,37-1010 28,13 north latitude, and to borders on Rupat Straits north side, and south side to borders on Mandau subdistrict and Bukit Batu sub district that is Bengkalis regency . Tanah Putih and Bangko sub district that is Rokan Hilir Regency to borders on west side. And then east side has to borders on Bukit Batu sub district that is Bengkalis regency. Dumai has wide 187,238 hectare that is widest city second in Indonesia from Monokwari city.
On the time, the first formed government administrative state, Dumai city has three sub district, 13 political district and 9 village and 15,699 people stay in Dumai population density is 83,85 soul per kilometer quadrate. However, Dumai has developed the fast, today Dumai city has been stay more then 200,000 people with 5 sub district and 32 political district.
In to operate government base on laws No.16 years of 1999 along with give public services for open to isolation each zone, Dumai city , this time has been 5 sub district and 32 political district along with 500 neighborhood association. In additional, good government Dumai city has 2 secretariat (local government and local parliament), 3 body, 11 official duty and 3 offices.

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