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Reaching Dumai from Various Area

Dumai represent one of the town of transit human being and also goods. Situation of Dumai in island east coast of sumatran which is near by accessing one of the solid band of world that is strait of malacca make easy Dumai reached from some strategic point around in Sumatran and also outside sumatran like Pekanbaru, Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Medan, Batam, Malacca, Port of Klang (Malaysia). To you which wish to enjoy land and also voyage is not wrong try Dumai become sojourn place a moment to reach area of is target of you. Dumai now have owned port of passenger which is have standard to of international terminal and passenger of competent bus. If you wish to go through journey with transportation of executive rent you earn to contact agent of travel exist in town of Dumai. Before continuing journey of you can rest a moment in Dumai. Dumai also have lowborn Hotel till class have star to also there is. You’r in airport Propose Pinang Kampai, port of passenger and or your bus terminal only telling to public transport in town to target of you but remember don't forget to specify its fare first to avoid misunderstanding, but this I feel this happened everywhere town in world. Public transport in Dumai start from pedicab, ojek, jipney, and also cab you negotiate better first with them before sent to your address. Pedicab there's only in port of passenger of Dumai which close to lodging place and also hotels in Dumai. If you reside in Airport propose Pinang Kampai can use cab service, Hereinafter to you which enter Dumai through bus terminal here there is public transport of ojek jipney and, for the jipney of its fare gyrate Rp.3000,- to 5000, if ojek you may perform a negotiation first with elder brother of ojek. Hopefully meagerly know this can assist you in conducting journey to Dumai. Congratulation enjoy journey meet.

8 Responses to "Reaching Dumai from Various Area"

The Success said...

Wah aku kangen juga ama Dumai
Udah lama buanget nggak ke Dumai
Mungkin hampir 20 th aku gak kesana
Gimana ya Dumai sekarang?

The Success said...

trims udah comment dan add blogku as link :)
wah kayaknya kalo aku ke Riau lagi nanti aku ke Dumai ah :)
hmmm cari apa ya di Dumai .... :)

Anonymous said...

i'm looking for new destinations to explore in the future near my countryet out of the usual places. your blog fits in.

Anonymous said...

wah untung ada info tambahannya mas..hehe..salam kenal ya mas..:)

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Anonymous said...


mommyvonzechs said...

Halo Dumai, apa khabar?

Surat said...

Nice Blog! Worth Reading.


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